Welcome to my Mad Chapter

Risper Wanja Njagi
5 min readJul 19, 2024


The log said to the speck, go clean up your mess

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy

But He, Jesus, came that we may have life

And life in abundance

Welcome to my mad chapter

I do not mind waiting

It is mad, the world would tell me, to hope again after being defeated a very long time that it feels as if that is how life will always be

Welcome to my mad chapter

I do not mind waiting a few more years in learning what I must until I get it right

I do not mind waiting … I do not mind going over the same lesson a thousand times if it means I get to really master it at the 1001 time

I do not mind waiting … This is my madness… This is my mad chapter … I do not mind the “you seem to just have disappeared from the face of the earth” if it means I do not get to present a person I am not to the world

I do not mind waiting … This is my madness … I do not mind the obscurity, the shadowing or the mending of my heart in a place where the light isn’t on me if it means I get to nurture my true light

I do not mind waiting … This is my desire, this is my madness, this is my choice, this is my prayer …

If I were to ask for anything , I would ask to be hidden… planted … I would rather be in the darkness and warmth of deep soil … shedding and dying each bit the old man … than be in any light presenting a distorted version of me

Photo by Gabriel Ramos on Unsplash

It is mad, the world would say, to be open to starting over when it feels as if everyone is trying to run even if their compass is pointing in the wrong direction because they are afraid that their time is running out

Welcome to my mad chapter

It is mad, the world would mock me, to start tilling the ground of my heart afresh so I could plant a new, when the whole world is obsessed with fruit, even if one has to fake fruits

The world is full of frustrated souls using magic tricks, trickery and shenanigans to appear as if their lives are good fruit; yet the whole time, they are just rotten trees dead and dying more and more from the inside

Welcome to my mad chapter

Where as the world runs helter skelter in panic and fret against this ‘clock’, I choose to die inside, die to self, die as a seed planted into the soil… so that I stand a chance at eternity

Welcome to my mad chapter

I do not mind a few downtime years in death

In the soil … if it means I will come up and out as a healthy wholesome tree that can bear fruit in its season … not because it is a tree that tried to have fruit, but because it is a tree that is so healthy, the fruit is just a consequence

I wish to be a tree that does not try to be anything … but a tree that just is what it is

I would rather have obscurity for a decade than come up in haste when I am not ready then die under the weight of a world that won’t leave me capable of bearing fruit again

Welcome to my mad chapter

I would rather be hidden in God … and not have the praise of man, friend foe or admirers … Than come up to try and prove that I was something outside of God my savior, then die of an empty soul exhausted from all the pretence and trying to appease men

Everything will eventually die — both luxury and misery- it all shall pass away one day — I intent to outlast both … so I do not mind dying some more, if it means I get a chance to be fully alive both now and when all things have passed away

Welcome to my mad chapter

So there goes my true prayer… hide me in you… birthing each bit of me afresh… until I am a true image of what you had in mind when you made me first

This is my madness and my true petition

Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash

Hide me in you… Hide me until I have fed so much from you that when I shine, the light is only you

Hide me, hide me in you, feeding me with you… correcting me in your love… uprooting every tear weed and lie …

Hide me … hide me in you … feeding me with you, both as my food and drink … till my whole life is an overflow only of you … the accurate image of you … Abba, my heavenly Father

This is my madness

Hide me, keep me, shield me, withhold me from everything, every light … until I am a reflection only of you … the true you … This is my only desire

I would rather be in death in you for a thousand years, and be in the light for only a day … if in the one day I get to be in the light I reflect your image and your true image alone

I do not mind waiting … so hide me in you … nurture me in you … teach me in you … correct me in you … train me in you … let’s repeat the classes I fail … I do not mind repeating a thousand times over if I eventually get to bring Honor and Curiosity as to my Master is

This is my mad chapter

That I do not mind waiting

Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

Hey there. My name is Risper Wanja Njagi. I am an Advocate by Training, Writer and Voice Over Artist, currently living and working in Kenya.I am a believer in Jesus Christ… and I dare say my life has gotten richer for it… in all aspects. My life mission with Course Correct is to disarm the Kingdom of the devil, by highlighting all the ways in which we have redemption in Jesus Christ, no matter how messed up we may have been, or still feel we are.I’m happy to partner with as many organizations as possible that are working with young people and mental health … both in writing and speaking engagements.You can reach me for any speaking or partnership engagements on coursecorrectbyrisper@gmail.comYou can support me by following me on Socials where I go by the handle “Course Correct by Risper”. Peace be with you & God Loves you!



Risper Wanja Njagi
Risper Wanja Njagi

Written by Risper Wanja Njagi

I write about re-finding ourselves, and everything in between; trauma, rejection, acceptance, healing, mental health

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