The Best Definition of Healing I Have Ever Read:
Everyone’s pursuing some kind of healing or recovering from some kind of trauma no?
Well, buckle up… haha, for the shortest ride of your life 😂😂 with me. I honestly, and just genuinely wish to share one of my ruminations from my readings today, from the book, “The Mountain is you” by Brianna Wiest. Let’s go 🤗
(P.s In the Spirit of the message today, I’m talking to you exactly as I talk to myself or my friends haha,;which is I tend to use lots of joy emojis because I realize I genuinely like our conversations… Which friends I realize I’ve often neglected but oh well… today is a great day to love them with understanding and appreciation)
We’re also using original images today… I’ll share photos of myself from a hike last Saturday. (If you’re in Kenya or get to visit Kenya, make sure you hike Ngong Hills in Nairobi. It’ll be worth it).
Okay here we go, the Definition of Healing;
“To get to a place where you prioritize your one short life”
As an example, what you really want to do is just talk for a living, or encourage people for a living...
Honestly, leave the "global" "problem solving" to those who want to do that ... You don’t have to go doing climate change solving, or data science, or coding or planting trees and become an environmentalist or whatever is the trending thing today ...
If we look at how "fast" life has moved just this year ... We’re now in August and January was just the other day ...
If you look at the last ten years ... I’m sure it can see how vivid it is, about how fast time moves, and how short that time has been ...
Time won't start moving at a different pace when we hit some other age ... Don't spend any of that time doing anything that's unnatural to you ... You could struggle, but if you must, let it be in pursuit of something you actually really like doing, and enjoy doing ... Don't go trying to do food security yet it's not even something that you like , or when you have other things that come more easily to you ...
You don’t have to do political things just because it seems like this GenZ thing and corrupt leadership is all the rage (Kenyans will understand this more keenly)... Do it only if it’s genuinely a you thing and not a relevance thing ... If what you like is creating art ... Find a way to get as much time for that as possible... It’s our one short life... It only feels like it’s long when we look into the unknown future ... But if we use our past to gauge how time moves, I’m sure you’ll agree with me that time is moving fast.
Prioritize your one short life! Shalom
Hey There👋
My name is Risper Wanja Njagi. I am from Kenya, and Kenyan by Birth.
On a daily, I practice as an advocate for a living. For effortless joy, I read and write for a living 😂🤗 … A gift I’m very thankful to God for.
Oh yes, I believe in Jesus like that. Christ is my LORD and Savior. And my goal with Course Correct is to speak of and spread the love of Jesus in works like these…
No one is too messed up to be Redeemed. That’s the key message of Course Correct… and there is no one Sure Redeemer than Jesus Christ!
You can support me by following me on all my social media platforms where I go by the name, “coursecorrectbyRisper”…
Also, hit me up for collaboration, speaking engagements (especially for young people) at
Shalom! God loves you 🤗