That Old Path
That old Path so hard to leave regardless of how miserable it makes this soul
You’re only one Soul
What’s a soul to do when caught up at the crossroads?
What am I to do when caught up at the forking paths?
One Path is a road untravelled unexplored scary and everything on that path promises uncertainty
The other path is a bit familiar
It’s that path of misery
The path I’ve long walked on my short sojourn on earth
A path previously made of uncertainties and lots of fears
A path this soul didn’t know how to respond to the first time the hard things happened
The path that got my soul used to self preservation
The path that normalized fear
The path that set the baseline of what I’ve come to expect in life
The old path scares me still
The old path carries miseries still
My stomach still churns at the thought of walking down that path all over again
The path that normalized the fear of uncertainty
The path that got my brain frozen at a point in time
The path where experiences taught this mind that value was comparative
The path that formed the belief that slowly got this heart to believe that she wasn't worthy
The path that trained this mind in the black and white extremities of worthiness
The path that trained this mind that one only existed in the world as inferior or superior
That old path
That old path that got this soul so used to fear
Now many years later
This heart seems to have remained in that same old place
And now this soul feels as if it couldn't depart from that old path
As it feels as if that old road has some glue imprisoning this soul to that old way
That Old Path
Easier said than done that one can just switch loyalties
That old Path
Now this soul must endure some more pain and bleeds
Because that old glue must be cut off
That intimacy with the old that no longer serves must be severed
That old band aid must be ripped
But this soul must depart from that old path
Every soul must depart the old path at some point
That old miserable comfort
That old miserable fear
That old miserable shame
That deceitful old comfort
Every soul must face that old path
To embrace the Path unexplored