That Necessary Death…
Sometimes …
Sometimes some things are not for consumption by the public eye
Sometimes, some things are private affairs between the soul and it’s host
Some conversations must be private business between the feelings and their source
Sometimes , the conversation has to be between the fear and the soul experiencing the sharp end of the stick of that fear
Some times , a man has to die
Sometimes the man must die
Oh my soul
Why you so sad
For a seed to become a plant ... And later bear fruit
It must die
Oh my soul
Why so scared
Why so scared at the prospect of the darkness in the womb of the soil
Why so scared at the varying temperatures of the soil
It's cold sometimes
It's warm sometimes
It's wet and clammy sometimes
And completely dry sometimes
And all this while it's still dark
To feel the life drain out of you
To feel yourself bursting at the edges ... Everything pouring out
To see the layers of the skin you've been in all your life rot away
It's a ghastly sight ... I acknowledge
It's a scary sight ... I acknowledge
It's a unnerving sight... I know
To see and feel everything you've ever thought you were slip away ...
That's scary ... I know
I am you after all
But this death is necessary
This death is necessary
This death is important
This death ... Scary as it all is ... Is necessary
There's no guarantee that you shall be alive after this death
Some seeds die in the ground and that's the end
But you are strong seed
I am willing to bet my scared psyche on you
That you will sprout again
You will survive the ground
The bursting sims and ghastly rotting skin will bear fruit
The death is necessary my soul
And so we must have this conversation
Because sometimes
Some conversations
These kind of conversations
Must take place
Between the soul and it's host
These kind of fears must be faced by the person and soul hosting the fear
Should you not survive the ground oh my soul
Then you died valiantly
And that is more than enough