Paris is Burning
Today Paris got burnt
It rained hail
It rain hell
And rained hell fire
Today Paris cried
She wept
Wept bitterly
She was overwhelmed
Like oh evil witch
How could you burn me then invite me to dine with you
She wept for herself
Wept for her children
She wept in le toilette
Wept on a tissue
Then wept on the inside
The pain of her bleeding heart flowed out of her eyes
Burning through the cornea and tear glands
She didn’t weep with her eyes
It’s her heart that was cut deep
The tears in her eyes were just the window into her soul
Today her soul bled
Bled for her burnt soul
Her city
Built over time
Came crashing all down
Like oh Paris
I thought you were forever
I thought you were indestructible
But then today you went all down
Like dry hay set on fire
It’s as if this whole time you were built with straw
It’s like this whole time you were hanging on a thread
I could have seen it
I did see it Paris
I just stayed still and did nothing
Oh my love Paris
I am so sorry
I am so sorry my love
I am so sorry that it took the whole city burning down for me to see that you’d been bleeding
That you’d been collapsing
Oh my love Paris
How I have failed you my love
Oh how I’ve hurt you
Oh how I’ve abandoned you
Cut you
Bled you
Failed you
Failed you so much
Your lifeless body lay on the ground as I watched you
Cold and dead
Dead cold
Dead and cold
Amidst flaring flames of fire
Today I killed you for sure
You had been bleeding out and I saw it
But ignored it
Today was just the last straw
Today just drained the little lifeless life you had remaining
And that is on me my dearest love
Today you died
My lively beautiful city you are now dead
And now I’ll just have to build you up again
I’ll have to do better this time
I will do better this time
I must do better this time
I will not see you burn again
I will not ignore your bleeds as they happen
I can’t subject you to such pain ever again
I will do better
You will do better my dear Paris
The ruins on which you’ll be built on are firm foundations
How I pray my love
That some of the ruins stay alive
To be a reminder of your rise
Your rise from the ashes
Your heart is strong my dear lovely city Paris
You will thrive
This time for a hundred thousand years
And then some
For you are Paris
And I have now truly met you
Nothing of old remains
Only the firm foundation remains
Now I gotta build
Now I can build
Now I can build on solid ground
Supported for good
Supported for life
I am Paris