Inflight Musings: Chasing Sunsets

Risper Wanja Njagi
3 min read3 days ago


There’s chasing Sunsets, then there’s God’s version…

There’s chasing Sunsets
Then there’s God’s version
On board Qatar Airways
Onwards into unknown lands
Lands I’ve never set foot on
Lands I’ve only read about
Onto God’s version of who I am
That person he made
That person He knew
That Jeremiah 1:5 version of his image expressed through me

From up here
The sunset hits different
The orange is oranger
The red of the sky is in levels
The blue of the skies is more pristine
The white of the clouds is a whole other world
There’s mountains , valleys, cities
There’s stairs upon stairs
Suddenly, the earth is too small ...
All of a sudden Nairobi is too small
The whole world is smaller
There’s a whole other world up here
The dark of night is deeper
Hues of navy blue and dark eyes have yet to behold
All the stars are closer
And suddenly the word of God makes sense
That the inhabitants of the earth are like dust to him
That he measures the mountains on a scale
And they barely weigh a thing
Suddenly, the word of God starts to hit different
That He sits enthroned on the circle of the earth
Of then what my eyes behold now is only a part of His view
Then indeed what am I
What is man, that He is mindful of me
From up here ... My eyes can see no man
How then does he even hear me ?
Aahh ... This God !
What is man, that He is mindful of us
Indeed as the skies are above the heavens
So are his ways above mine
As far and the skies and the heavens are
So are his thoughts above my own
Merciful God
What is man
What am I
What is me
Who am I that you are mindful of me
And yet indeed you do love me
Yet indeed I am the apple of your eye
All my ways laid bare before you
The ways of all men laid bare before you
What is mans creations
That we would think our cities and creations make us independent of you
Our tallest sky scrapers barely touch the skies
Our most grand creations barely make a dent in your view
They are as insignificant as we are
Only your mercy has kept us
Gracious God
May I never lose the wonder of the cross
May I never lose wonder of who you are
Maker of the stars
You that commands them to dim and shine
You that spreads the skies like curtains
Ah ... God
Teach me your ways oh Lord
That I may walk in your paths
Your sun rises and sun sets are much more superior
May I never lose the wonder of the Cross
Your version of anything my heart as man would seek is much more superior
Draw my heart heavenwards
That indeed I’d focus my mind on things above and not below
Setting my heart ... To your agenda
You are much more superior
If I must chase anything
Then let me be chasing you
If we must chase anything merciful God
Teach us your ways
Show us your heart and mind
That it’s you we’d chase
Glory to you Mighty God
You are God indeed 🙏
Hallelujah 🙌



Risper Wanja Njagi
Risper Wanja Njagi

Written by Risper Wanja Njagi

I write about re-finding ourselves, and everything in between; trauma, rejection, acceptance, healing, mental health

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