Give yourself Permission to be loved… by Jesus

Risper Wanja Njagi
7 min readJun 3, 2024


“What do you need to give yourself permission for today?”

Photo by Alexandru Acea on Unsplash

Hey y’all’s! Happy New Month and a Happy New Half Year!

I hope you are keeping your course correction efforts tight.

I hope you have not let yourself slip too far behind that it feels hard to get back.

But above all I hope you let yourself kindly, and patiently tend to your soul. It’s possible you haven’t missed a day or two, it’s the whole year 2024.

I know how much the Enemy rides on our own guilt to cause us to live in even more self condemnation. Stuck in the shame of what we’ve done, ashamed of starting again, discouraged that the road ahead is unfavorable to “people" like us” because we’ve had the opportunity and wasted it. Even more discouraged because it feels as if the road ahead is backed up with an unimaginable backlog of work, incomplete projects and all that .. Yet what we’re trying to do is get on track , “then” start living in the present.

Photo by arnaud girault on Unsplash

I hope you know today that when Jesus Christ died on the cross it wasn’t just for the “big sins”. It wasn’t for all the weed you’ve smoked. It wasn’t for all the random sex. It wasn’t for the unrestrained alcohol consumption and the stain of that son on your soul.

Photo by Drew Walker on Unsplash

Jesus’ Sacrifice was for everything.

It was for the “stupid” and “mundane” things we tell ourselves that we should just be able to do this…

The Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross was for the condemnation you feel for not being able to just easily love yourself.

The sacrifice of Jesus was for the guilt and shame you feel over all the opportunities you tell yourself you had in the past and didn’t use well… therefore you feel guilty for asking for another chance. Or you keep sabotaging your new opportunities as a form of self punishment for what you feel you don’t deserve, and worse still you don’t even understand why you keep doing that to yourself.

The Love of Jesus, expressed in giving His life as the sacrificial Lamb for our sins was for things like these too.

The sacrifice of Jesus was so that you wouldn’t have to wipe your own slate clean through your own self beating and self punishment and self deprecating language.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Jesus came for the wounds of our soul.

Jesus came for what the enemy lies to us “is our responsibility to fix”.

Jesus came for the guilt and condemnation we feel for comparing ourselves against others, yet we know it’s not good for us… but yet at the same time we can’t help by compare. We don’t even realize we have been comparing until we catch ourselves in the middle of it.

You think it’s your responsibility to “figure out” how to not compare yourself? By all means it sounds logical… … but today, I dare you to try Jesus.

Today, I wish to equip you with some armory:

Photo by Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash

I do not know the Devil much and neither do I care to know all his inner workings, but let me tell you one of the biggest lies of the enemy that I have discovered:

Satan’s biggest tool, and lie, is masquerading his own voice as ours. That voice of hate, that voice of shame, that voice of unending guilt, that voice of forever punishing yourself for things long gone… You say things so self destructive and think that’s “just you”

Honey, that’s not you. That’s the devil. Satan. The enemy of your soul. The enemy of all our souls. And he says all those things and masquareades as “our own voices” because the only language he understands is hatred. He does not know love. He can only speak what he’s made of — deep hatred and lies.

Everything you say to yourself that breaks you, or discourages you or makes you lose hope is not you. God did not create us to be against ourselves.

We were not created to hate ourselves. We were not created to cut our own bodies. We were not created to beat ourselves up so bad that our friends would be shocked if we talked to them the way we speak to ourselves.

Photo by Drew Walker on Unsplash

You were not created to look at yourself, criticize yourself and talk yourself so down that you start crying out of your own words to yourself and how absolutely defeated they make you feel.

That is not you.

It is the devil . Oh yes, there is such a thing as pure evil… and his name is the devil.

In the beginning, the devil paused as an Angel of Light… but He was darkness.

The enemy is still the devil today. He is still pausing as an Angel of light. He masquareaded as light then, he is still masquerading today… masquerading as you… masquerading as your voice… masquerading as your “inner correction voice” … you know, the voice that tells you, “It is good for you to talk to yourself so harshly so that you do not repeat wasting an opportunity again” …

Photo by Drew Walker on Unsplash

“You are loved” There is absolutely no mistake in repeating that image. You are loved… You are absolutely and unconditionally loved. You are Soo loved. Just for the sake of the fact that you are loved -kind- of-love.

The enemy justified himself as “good” when what he was was evil…… and today he’s doing the same. But again I say:

Photo by Drew Walker on Unsplash

I would do this for longer but sleep calls … I will write more on the ultimate faceless, most desperate creature to ever live … yet terrorizes so many by masquerading to be what he is not … and convincing so many of us to believe things about ourselves so untrue and unfounded … and yet still making it look like we came to those horrible conclusions about “ourselves all by ourselves.”

The love of Jesus… The blood of Jesus… flows to the highest mountain, and to the deepest valley. There is no place He wouldn’t reach you. there is no struggle too big or too small for him to care about or reach.

Give yourself permission to be loved today… to be loved by the Lord Jesus without you having to pay for anything.

Give yourself permission to be atoned for (someone else paying for your wrongs).

Give yourself permission to be loved by Jesus today.

Give yourself permission to be wrong, and still be loved…

Give yourself permission to be an absolute mess and still be loved enough to be just redeemed (Technically unworthy of being saved or rescued, and yet rescued).

Give yourself permission to be “absolutely unworthy of forgiveness or love” as you may feel… … but still be loved… and forgiven… and found worthy… and called worthy.

Because that’s who Jesus is . that’s what the Love of Jesus looks like. He said that like a physician, He didn’t come for the healthy person but the sick ones… the filthy, the unworthy, the undeserving ones… … the unclean ones… people like you and I.

Photo by Ismael Paramo on Unsplash

I’m not perfect in my course correction… but this is the ultimate place I am finding the love and encouragement to keep moving… and with each little effort I do feel less and less unworthy… I do feel less and less undeserving of anything good…

This wasn’t just for you… it’s for me too.

Give yourself permission to be loved today. The permission to be loved by Jesus.

You are loved dear child of God, even if you don’t see yourself that way. You are loved.


Written with all my love and all God’s love in my heart as He continues to renew me even more and more each day.

You are loved.

Photo by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash


Hey there. My name is Risper Wanja Njagi. I am an Advocate by Training, Writer and Voice Over Artist, currently living and working in Kenya. My favorite thing in the world is reading. My favorite literature is psychology — based insights into human behavior, and Books based on Biblical Principles.

I am a believer in Jesus Christ… and I dare say my life has gotten richer for it… in all aspects.
I’m happy to partner with as many organizations as possible that are working with young people and mental health … both in writing and speaking engagements.
You can reach me for any speaking or partnership engagements on .
Also, you can support me by following me on Socials where I go by the handle “Course Correct by Risper”. Thank you!



Risper Wanja Njagi
Risper Wanja Njagi

Written by Risper Wanja Njagi

I write about re-finding ourselves, and everything in between; trauma, rejection, acceptance, healing, mental health

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