Does anyone enjoy moving houses?!
If soft life means hating much hustle in life, then I’m totally a soft life kinda girl!
Today has been that day! It’s the first time since my morning quiet time when I’m getting some quiet. We’ve been moving houses all day. We’re in a totally different location, miles from our previous residence... (By 'we' I mean my younger brother and I.)
My mood is all over the place. I guess it’s all this Nairobi heat?! 😂
But please, let's be real for moment, can moving ever be fun? 😭 All that stuff carrying... All that decision making ... All that negotiation with transport providers ... All that packing and unpacking... All that rent negotiation with landlords ...!!
Oh, and don't forget that one critical thing you always forget. The last time I moved, two years ago, it was my electric jug charger ... This time round it was all my hangers and my larouche posay face wash/cleanser. 😭 Now, anyone with a skin care ritual/routine knows just how critical a good cleanser is ... Tonight, it almost feels as if something has lacked from my proceed.
And oh, anyone with a sensitive/oily/combination skin knows that not just any cleanser works, there's levels to these things... And larouche is a genuinely good product, totally worth investing in. So not having my cleanser got me so mad at my brother. Can you imagine he dared tell me, "Oh, that blue kathing ? I left it on the bathroom floor!" "Blue kathing?!" Are you kidding me. 😂
Yoo, I almost lost my ish. I just had to remember that I'm not really mad at him, it's that today was a very emotionally charged day, and with a lot of changes happening all at the same time ... I should be gracious both to my brother and myself, and not beat myself up for feeling a bit emotionally out of place.
Anyhow, that's just a little snippet of confession into my day. If you've read my previous article, you'd know that I'm also currently at a big in-between, something that could potentially change the trajectory of my whole life ... But where I encountered some unforeseen delays.. but where I still remain optimistic, and determined that I must get into that next place. Combine all that with a big change like moving, and the latter might just feel more unpleasant than usual.
Why am I writing all this though?
To be honest, because I am longing for a sense of normalcy... And to also get my soul in order a bit. I once read somewhere that after any big high or low, one way to protect your momentum in life is by doing someone normal, something mundane, something you'd anywhere... So as to get your soul used to this new normal. For example you could do dishes, follow the same night routine regardless of location, journal your experience... Pray... Listen to some common/favorite music pieces ...
In my case, my face is well cleaned, washed and moisturized, my feet cleaned, teeth brushed, ears cleaned, legs and face moisturized ... And writing now addresses my soul.
I guess due to the day's emotional extremes of happiness, frustration, so much change... And more angry than usual reactions to small things like forgetting the hangers and my face cleanser ... I do feel quite out of place, emotionally, and really wish to rebalance before sleeping. I am a bit tired, and we're not done unpacking 😴... Anyone like me that thrives in a bit more order knows how much such a physical state of disorder in things can cause a sense of feeling disorderly inside.
There is another reason I am writing this late into the night though... That I do not want to leave this day with only some emotionally charged negative feelings and energy running my night, yet the very act of moving in itself has been a blessing.
I think it's very easy to be overun by emotions if we don't check them... And feelings, born out of subjective interpretation of our experiences, can easily distort genuinely good experiences into some negative thing. In my case, I almost saw this happen, where I have just this unexplained anger ... Yet in truth, I do have a lot to be grateful for.
I mean, if you think about it ... Say think of yourself in a similar situation... You'd find that you'd probably house hunted, looked at various houses, prayed to find a good one, prayed to find a good landlord, prayed for provision to move smoothly, prayed for safety in all that packing, unpacking and transit ... But anger, being such a strong emotion can easily blind us from all such facts. This is why I am doing this. This is why I am so grateful to God for helping me turn this exercise to get a good soul recalibration. To see the truth ... To see the factual reality that in truth, I am living a really blessed day today.
This is why I make a case for you to try to do something normal, especially if you're currently in emotionally charged experiences. Good or bad, unchecked emotions can easily result in very strange decisions! Haha, for lack of a better example, I did find myself returning to old habits like stoning after a really good spiritual high (you know, may be I'd completed a fast, or participated in a church event I'd been longing to be part of but hadn't managed to... I even thought I just had a problem. But thank God for books! That's where I discovered this "do something normal" concept, whether what you had was a really positive or negative experience.
Anyhow, 🤗 I am done with my little sermon. Pardon me if this is not your jam ... But I can tell you that I do truly feel a bit more balanced, okay, forgiven and better connected to God now ... Because that anger I was feeling when I started this exercise is no longer the top emotion in my soul. I think you too feel it if you've stayed till the end... Or at least I hope so.
Anyhow, last anyhow 😄
It's night for me, so I'd tell you good night, but whatever the time is for you... Have a good day! See you in the next installment:)