Dear Lost Poet … A Tribute

Risper Wanja Njagi
4 min readMar 8, 2024



“Why are there so many poets in the World…

I once read somewhere

…And yet so little Poetry?”

Fellow poets… where did the poetry in our hearts go?

Photo by Valentino Funghi on Unsplash

The Lost Poet

I have heard it said

That poets are lovers

Everything inspires them

That the bite of cold on their skins on a cold night invokes nostalgia

That dull clouds…. just moving about in their business…

To a poet speak a cosmic language

That the poet hears the song of the clouds

Whether they be happy or singing a dirge

Whether they be heartbroken or dancing in love…

A Poet would hear… because

A Poet’s Heart is alive


When they see that bird flying…

Or that sparkling brook bubbling away in the wilderness

The Poet hears Amazing Grace … “how sweet the sound…”

The Poet ‘hears the brook’ … and ‘feels the gentle breeze’

So what happened?

Dear Poet

That there’s so little poetry now …

Where did your poetry go?

Dead Hearts

Photo by Evelyn Bertrand on Unsplash

Dead hearts

Broken bodies

Numb souls

Dull minds

Where went our sense of wonder?

“The sky is dull ….”

“Everything’s dull …”

“The world is ending …”

We never run out of poetic descriptions of our ‘dying world’

Yet where’s all the true poetry?

Our brains are dead…

Our hearts are dying …

Our Souls desensitized …

Then we ask …

Where went the poetry ?

Dead hearts

The Eternal Poet

Photo by Maryna Kazmirova on Unsplash

Awake, oh sleeper!

Arise, oh dead heart

Made art thou

In His image and likeness

If poets are lovers

Then there’s one who’s the greatest lover of them all

If poets are romantics

Then there’s one most romantic than all

While Poets are intrigued by the dance of the Clouds

He created the music only those clouds can hear, and thus dance

While a poet’s heart beats faster at the sight of the shining brook merrily dancing its way away in the wilderness

He choreographed the dance of the brook into its DNA when He made it

While that passing cold breeze kisses the poet’s skin, and refreshes his heart

He commands this breeze… His very breath dictating the direction of these winds and breezes from the beginning

His name is Jehovah God, the Poet Eternal

The Question

Photo by Simone Secci on Unsplash

So why is there so little poetry in the world?

And yet the world’s crawling with hundreds of millions of poets?

Is the poetry lost?

…or are the Poets Lost?

Is Poetry dead?

…or are the Poets dead

Are all Poets dead?

…or are there dead poets walking the earth…?

….Hearts Dead

….Minds Dead

…Souls Dead

…Ears deaf

…Eyes blind

Zombies with active limbs cruising the earth on autopilot …

The Disconnect

Photo by Hoach Le Dinh on Unsplash

Poetry is not dead

It cannot be

Because Poetry is Eternal

Eternal as eternal can be

As the Poet Eternal lives on.. . Poetry and melodies spewing from His mouth when He breaths… So is Poetry alive.

So is Poetry dead?

…. or are the Poets dead?

But how could they be all dead…

Yet so many are still walking the earth?!

Thus again I ask

Is Poetry dead… or are the the poets dead?

Disconnected from Poetry

Disconnected from Poetry Eternal

Unable to hear or write

Because they are disconnected …

Disconnected from Poetry Eternal

Disconnected from the Poet Eternal


Photo by Sergey Zhesterev on Unsplash

Thus oh Poet …

Where is your poetry?

Or are you lost still?

More Importantly…

Will you continue being Lost…

… or will you find your way back…?

Back to the Poet Eternal…

Where your heart can beat again…

And poetry can once again flood the Earth …

Dear Lost Poet


XO, Risper



Risper Wanja Njagi
Risper Wanja Njagi

Written by Risper Wanja Njagi

I write about re-finding ourselves, and everything in between; trauma, rejection, acceptance, healing, mental health

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